Help With Blackjack
So as I review the posts that I have done over the past few months I realize that I have neglected to post some material on strategy for blackjack. Strange as this site is all about blackjack and strategy, hmmmm.
So I thought I would do a post about learning for the beginner. I remember when I was learning to play, the game looked so simple. Yet only after I started to understand the mathematics behind the game did I realize that there is much more to the game than meets the eye. So in an interest in helping to understand the basics and the entire game, I found this site that has some great lessons on playing blackjack.
I like this site because it takes a player through the natural progression of the game. Providing a lot of useful info but without making it too heavy. Don't get me wrong, learning to play can be quite intimidating and the site does get technical, but it does so in a way that is easy for the average joe to understand.